Chang also known as Mei Xianshui rivers, source to screen Fu Ping Jiangxian northwest Shanxi Lu Jia-dong, in Yangmei in Hong Kong to Miluo River, 84 km long, the valley area of670 square kilometers. 昌江河又名梅仙水,源出平江县西北部幕阜山西麓傅家洞,于杨梅港入汨罗江,长84公里,流域面积670平方公里。
An Analysis of the Different Ending of the Tai Ping Army and the Central Red Army before the Dadu River 大渡河前的太平军与中央红军的不同结局之原因探析
Recent administrative changes increased the size of the city and spurred a desire to create a new city center along the Dong Ping River. 最近的行政区域改革扩大了该市的规模,进而促使其在东平河沿岸建立新都心区的计划。
Much attention was given to the fundamental challenge of re-orienting Foshan towards the Dong Ping River; transforming the city so that the river runs through it, rather than along its periphery. 人们关注的是佛山向东平河扩展面临的基本挑战,改造城市以让河流穿过其中,而不是沿著河流改造。
The stochastic model for flood hydrograph at Zhi Ping Pu station in Min river has been developed based on the analysis in its stochastic variation properties and with the special method of stochastic hydrology. 本文在分析紫坪铺站洪水随机变化特性的基础上,以随机水文学的方法建立了该站的洪水随机模型。
In this paper, nonparametric disaggregation model was introduced and applied to stochastic simulation for monthly runoff at Ping Shan station in the Sha Jiang River. 本文介绍非参数解集模型并应用于金沙江流域屏山站月径流随机解集。
Study on stochastic simulation of flood hydrograph at Zhi Ping Pu station in Min River 岷江紫坪铺站洪水过程随机模拟研究
Tai ping National Forest Park in Shaanxi Province is located in the southwest of Xi 'an, forest parks, forests and beautiful landscapes, deep river gorges and waterfalls form the park feature-rich tourist resources. 陕西太平国家级森林公园位于西安市西南部,森林公园内森林景观优美,峡谷幽深的河流、瀑布形成了该公园颇具特色的旅游资源。